Commandline Args ################ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: Various commandline args are required. .. code:: bash export SHOPYO_CONFIG_PROFILE=development export FLASK_ENV=development export `SHOPYO_CONFIG_PROFILE` is what is defined as keys of `app_config` in `` The reason we decouple SHOPYO_CONFIG and FLASK_ENV is that FLASK_ENV has implications beyond configs and is limited to 3 modes. shopyo ****** .. _shopyo usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... CLI management for shopyo cli. For Example, to run the app in production mode you can run .. code:: bash shopyo --config=production run .. _shopyo options: *Options* .. option:: --version Show the flask version .. option:: --config By default config is set to "development". Other available configurations are "testing" and "production". For commands `startapp`_ , `collectstatic`_ and `new`_ this options has no affect. clean ***** .. _shopyo clean usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo clean [OPTIONS] or .. code:: bash python clean [OPTIONS] removes ``__pycache__``, ``migrations/``, ``shopyo.db`` files and drops ``db`` if present .. _shopyo clean options: *Options* .. option:: -v, --verbose Show all hidden outputs in terminal .. option:: --help Show the command usage/help message and exit .. option:: --clear-migration / --no-clear-migration Whether or not to clear migration folder, by default true, even without flag .. option:: --clear-db / --no-clear-db Whether or not to clear db, by default true, even without flag Initialise ********** .. _shopyo initialise usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo initialise [OPTIONS] or .. code:: bash python initialise [OPTIONS] Creates ``db``, ``migration/``, adds default users, add settings. This command need to be run only once before running the project. You can also skip migration folder deleting and db clearing. .. _shopyo initialise options: **Options** .. option:: -v, --verbose Show all hidden outputs in terminal .. option:: --help Show the command usage/help message and exit .. option:: --clear-migration / --no-clear-migration Whether or not to clear migration folder, by default true, even without flag .. option:: --clear-db / --no-clear-db Whether or not to clear db, by default true, even without flag run *** .. _shopyo run usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo run [OPTIONS] or .. code:: bash python run [OPTIONS] Run a local development server. This server is for development purposes only. It does not provide the stability, security, or performance of production WSGI servers. The reloader and debugger are enabled by default if ``FLASK_ENV=development``` or ``FLASK_DEBUG=1``. .. note:: This is wrapper around the ``flask run`` command .. _shopyo run options: *Options* .. option:: -h, --host The interface to bind to. .. option:: -p, --port The port to bind to. .. option:: --cert Specify a certificate file to use HTTPS. .. option:: --key The key file to use when specifying a certificate. .. option:: --reload / --no-reload Enable or disable the reloader. By default the reloader is active if debug is enabled. .. option:: --debugger / --no-debugger Enable or disable the debugger. By default the debugger is active if debug is enabled. .. option:: --eager-loading / --lazy-loader Enable or disable eager loading. By default eager loading is enabled if the reloader is disabled. .. option:: --with-threads / --without-threads Enable or disable multithreading. .. option:: --extra-files PATH Extra files that trigger a reload on change. Multiple paths are separated by ';'. .. option:: --help Show the command usage/help message and exit rundebug ******** .. _shopyo rundebug usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo rundebug [OPTIONS] or .. code:: bash python rundebug [OPTIONS] Run a local development server. same as ```` runserver ********* .. _shopyo runserver usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo runserver [OPTIONS] or .. code:: bash python runserver [OPTIONS] Run a local development server. same as ```` startapp ******** .. _shopyo startapp usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo startapp [OPTIONS] MODULENAME [BOXNAME] or .. code:: bash python startapp [OPTIONS] MODULENAME [BOXNAME] create a module/app ``MODULENAME`` inside ``modules/``. If ``BOXNAME`` is provided, create the module inside ``modules/BOXNAME.`` If box ``BOXNAME`` does not exist, it is created. If ``MODULENAME`` already exists, an error is thrown and command is terminated. Running ``shopyo startapp demo`` will create the following: .. code:: bash modules/demo/ ├── ├── ├── info.json ├── ├── static ├── templates │   └── demo │   ├── blocks │   │   └── sidebar.html │   └── dashboard.html ├── tests │   ├── │   └── └── Example usage with box: .. code:: bash # create module `dumpling` inside `box__plate` shopyo startapp dumpling box__plate startbox ******** *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo startbox [OPTIONS] BOXNAME [BOXNAME] or .. code:: bash shopyo startbox [OPTIONS] BOXNAME [BOXNAME] Creates an empty box .. code:: bash shopyo startbox box__api createmodule ************ *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo createmodule apple creates modules/apple .. code:: bash shopyo createmodule pear box__default creates modules/box__default/pear collectstatic ************* .. _shopyo collectstatic usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo collectstatic [OPTIONS] [SRC] or .. code:: bash python collectstatic [OPTIONS] [SRC] Copies ``static/`` in ``modules/`` or ``modules/SRC`` into ``/static/modules/`` .. code:: bash modules/ └── box__default/ ├── auth/ │ └── static └── appadmin/ └── static For the modules structure shown above: * to collect static in only one module, run either of two commands: .. code:: bash $ shopyo collectstatic box__default/auth $ shopyo collectstatic modules/box__default/auth * to collect static in all modules inside a box, run either of two commands below: .. code:: bash $ shopyo collectstatic box__default $ shopyo collectstatic modules/box__default * to collect static in all modules run either of the two commands below: .. code:: bash $ shopyo collectstatic $ shopyo collectstatic modules .. _shopyo collectstatic options: *Options* .. option:: -v, --verbose Show all hidden outputs in terminal .. option:: --help Show the command usage/help message and exit .. _shopyo collectstatic arguments: *Arguments* .. object:: SRC | `Optional argument` | the module path relative to ``modules/`` where ``static/`` exists. new *** .. _shopyo new usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo new [OPTIONS] [PROJNAME] Creates a new shopyo project. By default it will create the project(folder) of same name as the parent folder. If ``PROJNAME`` is provided ``shopyo new somename``, it will create ``PROJNAME/PROJNAME`` under parent folder .. code:: bash shopyo new --modules # or -m will add default modules else will create empty project For Example, say your current working directory is ``/path/to/blog``. Assuming you have created a virtual environment ``env`` and activated it, and installed ``shopyo``. Apart from env folder, your cwd should be empty. Then after running: .. code:: bash shopyo new the following blog project is created .. code:: bash blog ├── env ├── blog │ ├── docs │ ├── modules │ │ └── ... │ ├── │ ├── sphinx_source │ │ └── ... │ ├── static │ │ └── ... │ ├── tests │ │ └── ... │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── config_demo.json │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── ├── .gitignore ├── dev_requirements.txt ├── ├── pytest.ini ├── ├── requirements.txt ├── └── tox.ini Some files are omitted above but the general structure is as shown above. Now you can initialise your project by running: .. code:: bash path/to/blog/blog$ shopyo initialise and run the project as: .. code:: bash path/to/blog/blog$ shopyo run You now have a complete Flask based blog application .. _shopyo new options: *Options* .. option:: -v, --verbose Show all hidden outputs in terminal .. option:: --help Show the command usage/help message and exit .. _shopyo new arguments: *Arguments* .. object:: PROJNAME | `Optional argument` | if provided, creates the new project folder PROJNAME/PROJNAME inside cwd db ** .. _shopyo db usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo db [OPTIONS] or .. code:: bash db [OPTIONS] db migrate and db upgrate are used to migrate the db .. note:: This is wrapper around the ``flask db`` of flask-migrate routes ****** .. _shopyo routes usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo routes or .. code:: bash routes Shows all routes and methods .. note:: This is wrapper around the ``flask routes`` command rename ****** .. _shopyo rename usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo rename box__default/auth box__default/auth_ shopyo rename auth auth_ Renames app including changing module name in info.json audit ***** .. _shopyo audit usage: *Usage* .. code:: bash shopyo audit Finds issues with apps as well as with the over all project