Source code for api.html

Used on flash
flash(notify_success('mail sent!'))

[docs]def notify(message, alert_type="primary"): """ Used with flash flash(notify('blabla')) Parameters ---------- message: str message to be displayed alert_type: str bootstrap class Returns ------- None """ alert = """ <div class="shopyo-alert alert alert-{alert_type} alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert" style="opacity: 0.98;"> {message} <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> </div> """.format( message=message, alert_type=alert_type ) scriptFade = """ <script> setTimeout(function() { $('#flashed-messages').fadeOut('fast'); }, 5000); // <-- time in milliseconds (5 secs) </script> """ return alert + scriptFade
[docs]def notify_success(message): return notify(message, alert_type="success")
[docs]def notify_danger(message): return notify(message, alert_type="danger")
[docs]def notify_warning(message): return notify(message, alert_type="warning")
[docs]def notify_info(message): return notify(message, alert_type="info")