Source code for

This file contains functions for sending
text and html rendered emails asynchronously
from threading import Thread

from flask import current_app
from flask import render_template
from flask_mailman import EmailMultiAlternatives

def _send_email_helper(app, msg):
    Helper function used for sending email message

        app (Flask): The flask app object
        msg (flask-mailman email object): any email/messsage object
            defined for flask-mailman. Example EmailMessage
    with app.app_context():
        if (
            "MAIL_USERNAME" not in current_app.config
            or "MAIL_PASSWORD" not in current_app.config
            or current_app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] is None
            or current_app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] is None
                "\nShopyo Error: MAIL_USERNAME, and/or MAIL_PASSWORD not configured\n"


[docs]def send_async_email(to, subject, template, from_email=None, **kwargs): """ Sends email anachronously i.e the function is non blocking. Assume email template is valid i.e it can be rendered using flask' render_template function and both .html and .txt email template files exits Args: to (String): recipient of the email subject (String): subject of the email template (String): template file path to be used in email body from_email (String, optional): sender of the email. If not set MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER is used from config. """ if from_email is None: if ( "MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER" not in current_app.config or current_app.config["MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER"] is None ): print("\nShopyo Error: MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER not configured\n") return from_email = current_app.config["MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER"] app = current_app._get_current_object() template_txt = render_template(f"{template}.txt", **kwargs) template_html = render_template(f"{template}.html", **kwargs) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject=subject, body=template_txt, from_email=from_email, to=[to], ) msg.attach_alternative(template_html, "text/html") thr = Thread(target=_send_email_helper, args=[app, msg]) thr.start() return thr